The Catalan Interuniversity Commission for Language Training and Certification (CIFALC), formed by the language services of the Catalan universities, is the interuniversity body in charge of promoting and guaranteeing language training and certification in accordance with the agreements signed by the rectors of the Catalan universities and the Generalitat (autonomous government) of Catalonia, through the Ministry of Business and Knowledge and the Ministry of Culture.
Language certificates
The universities offer, on the one hand, certificates of Catalan language knowledge, which allow five levels of Catalan language proficiency to be certified, regulated by the Decree published in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat of Catalonia (DOGC no. 5610 of 19.04.2010). They moreover certify level B2 in English, German, French and Italian, through the CLUC (Catalan Universities Language Certificate), a certificate recognized by the Generalitat of Catalonia and by the Association of Language Centres in Higher Education (ACLES).
Exam sessions
The universities offer training in these languages and organize interuniversity exam sessions. Information should be obtained from each university about the training and the exams that they hold.